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Very good question. The simple answer is Jesus, that’s why. But a more complicated answer would involve all the ways I have grown this year and the many realizations I’ve had. So, let’s start with how I got here.

For a while now, I have been trying to figure out the direction I want to take in life: Do I go back to grad school, or do I pursue ministry through an organization of some sort? Do I just stick with what I am currently doing or find a different job? Decisions, decisions. For many people choosing what to do with their lives is a huge decision. What a privilege it is that I have so many options and the opportunity to choose. However, that can also feel a bit paralyzing for me. Something I have been stuck on is wanting to do something I love. I’ve been asking myself the questions, “Is this what I love to do, something that feeds my soul, something I was made for?” I truly believe that God made all of us with specific gifts and talents that he wants us to use. We all bring something unique to the table and God wants us to use that in some way. When we do that, I think we are all happier. I want to use the gifts God has given me to bless and serve the world and the people around me. But how do I do that? How do I discover (and observe) what I am good at and then move to participating in that? This takes time to discover and a lot of thinking and reflecting. (Thank you, 2020.)

2020 was a year for me and for many that honestly forced us to search our souls. It made me evaluate my life, discover more of my values and my priorities, and what I truly care about. If you know me at all, you know that I am a thinker.  Not only do I get in my head a lot, but I also just think about everything. It’s a blessing and a curse. But when it comes to making life decisions or just any big decision, I tend to take a lot of time to decide whether it is the right one. I seek advice and talk a lot about it and it may take me months, or even years, to actually follow through. I have found that as much as I value thinking, asking questions and learning through observation, I need to grow in participating more. For me this means trying to move from observation to participation in this thing we call life. Or in other words, maybe making decisions a little more quickly and treating life as a verb. As Scott Erickson states, “There is a deep knowing that can only be attained through participation.” I will not know what I truly love until I try different things out. Basically, you won’t know until you try. Profound I know, right? Haha.

This is where the World Race comes in. It combines so much of what I love into one experience and also gives me an opportunity to grow and learn, which is something I value a lot. And who knows, maybe it will pivot me in a whole new direction.

Ultimately though, I am going because I want to know God more deeply and make his love known. This goes back to my first answer when people ask, “Why the World Race?” Because without Jesus I would not be here. My relationship with him has allowed me to get here. And guess what? God wants to be your friend too. He wants to move in your heart and all we have to do is accept his love. (Romans 10: 9-10.) I am tellin ya, the best free gift there is is his unconditional love. And oh man, if you choose to follow him, the journey is sweet, and you will experience an abundant number of fresh starts. Now, this does not mean life will be easy. In fact, it is still incredibly hard. But it does mean you’ll always have a friend by your side. One who holds you close through loss and shame and all the pain you will experience. He’ll help you see things more clearly. He’ll help you find compassion, empathy and refine you into who he created you to be. He wants to give you abundant life. He even states that in John 10:10. This is why I am doing the World Race, to share this hope.

I don’t know where this journey will lead, but sometimes you have to take the risk and find out along the way. I’m here for it. *Insert Julie and the Phantoms Song Bright*

So now that you know a little of why I am going, I hope and pray you may consider partnering with me in some way. If you made it this far, it means a lot. You took the time to read this and it probably means you care about knowing what I am up to. If that is true, hit the subscribe button to get updates on my adventure abroad and what I am doing. And, if you do feel led to give financially, click the donate button. I would really appreciate it! Thank you for being here. You are loved.


Cassady G.  

One response to “Why the World Race?”

  1. So excited that you’re on Squad L! This is going to be an amazing year for all of us. We’ll all help each other grow closer to God and one another.