
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello Friends and Family, one of my fellow racers did a FAQ sort of thing and I thought it was a great idea, so I figured I would do the same. I hope these answer many frequently asked questions and like always, feel free to reach out, I would love to answer any questions. 


A whole bunch of people from all over the country are going on this trip. At this point in the journey of preparing for this trip I have met three girls that are on my squad. They are a part of my cohort, which is just a smaller group from my squad that gets to encourage one another as we all raise funds. It is pretty cool because we can get to know each other a little bit before we spend a whole year together. Squad is the term used to describe our whole group of individuals (25-35 people) who will be traveling the Global South Route. In fact, if you go to the World Race website and find my specific route for 2021, you can actually see who all has applied and is going with me. 


The World Race is a program through Adventures in Missions, an interdenominational nonprofit mission’s organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer, and the relationship between God and his people. Established in 1989, it has brought over 100,000 people to the mission field. One of the trips they offer is an 11 month 11-country mission. My team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities with the goal of bringing the Gospel and Jesus’ love around the world. Our ministry will be anything from community development, partnering with local churches, planting churches, working in orphanages, ministering to women and children trapped in prostitution because of human trafficking, and working with refugees to bring hope of the Father’s love. Hopefully this answers your what, but if you would like even more information on what we will be doing you can go to and find my route Global South and click on the specific places and there you will find even more details.


Where exactly am I going? This is the question I get most often and probably is the favorite! Our squad will be on the route called GLOBAL SOUTH. This route takes us along South American countries, South Africa, and South Asia. Below is a picture for a visual ?? Because of Covid, the exact locations that we will be going are dependent on the access that we will have to travel to and from countries. Here is a link to current Covid guidelines. On-Field COVID guidelines More info regarding COVID Each region will have a HUB COUNTRY with a host that the WR (world race) has deep relationship with. These hosts will work with our squad to help us mobilize and meet the needs of surrounding countries and different ministries! This is something that I love about this opportunity with Adventures in Missions. The places that we travel to have hosts that we as missionaries get to come and support during our month there, but when we leave that country the ministry still remains right where it is in that country. Did I mention we will receive cultural and ministry training in each country in order to more effectively serve there? So that’s pretty cool. Although the exact places we will be going are still unknown, it is more important to me to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I am just excited to serve wherever God calls us to. Here is a link that will take you directly to my route. The Global South Route 


As of now, in the middle of July, our squad, will meet in Georgia at Adventures in Missions headquarters for a week-long training camp. This acts as a sort of simulation of the race and what it might look like on the field. From there, I will return back to Washington to collect/store up my things, and then prepare to launch to South America the beginning of August 2021. Exact dates of launch are still TBD.


To chase my dreams and pursue relationships with people around the world, telling them about the greatest love story of all, I need to raise support. The greatest support I could ever receive is that of PRAYER. Would you consider walking alongside me through this next season in prayer? Prayer for myself and my team to have an open mind and heart for everything and everyone that we will encounter. We will need courage to step out of our comfort zones, to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus to every person we encounter.

In addition to prayer support, I am asked to raise $18,700 over the next year. If you’re like me and are thinking “woah, that is a lot of money,” know that this amount will cover the cost of training, international flights, lodging, food, local transportation and other necessities while abroad for a whole year. So, when you think of it that way, it breaks down to $1,700 a month. I am currently at $3,000 raised and my next goal is $5,000. Would you prayerfully consider financially supporting me during my journey? All donations are tax deductible, and your donation will help me follow what God is leading me into! If you feel led to give you can click this link and it will take you directly to the giving page. Donate!


Man, honestly, I do not know how to answer this question in just a short paragraph. Luckily, my first blog post talks all about this, so refer to that to learn more about how God led me here. But long story short, the WR has been a dream of mine for a few years now and I actually started filling out two applications prior to the one I actually submitted. Funny how God works. He’s been working on my heart these past few years, allowing me to learn and grow and prepare me for this journey. No but I truly believe He has led me to this exact moment in time, everything working together for His good and to bring me to this trip. Idk why it has to be during a pandemic, but I do know that Gods timing is always perfect.

Thank again for being here, I appreciate it. Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already and spread the word  

Much love,


9 responses to “FAQ’s”

  1. Hey Cassaday — this sounds like a wonderful adventure PLUS good work in the world for you. After I write this I am going to send you some $$.

    I do have a recommendation for your organization, Adventures in Missions: financial transparency. What do I mean? When I give to a charity or work for one (just finished 2.5 years on the Board for Kiwanis Camp WaRiKi) I like to see their financial reports and in particular calculate how much that is donated actually makes its way to the front lines. Compare:

    A) Camp WaRiKi DOES have some financial reporting done (but they need more reporting as well) here:

    B) Adventures in MIssions Inc. does not show any reporting yet:

    So to continue my “thought experiment” I looked at their last annual report to see their budget. The 2020 Report — — shows about $11,800,000 in revenue with $1.9 million (approx) going to administration. 16% administration expenses are not bad, comparatively.

    I did one more financial calculation. If a squad averages about 30 people and each raises $18,700 over a year, that is approx. $561,000. 30 squads would then bring in around $16,830,000, or $5 million more than is reported. Plus there is a very active giving effort on their website separate from squads. See: It leaves me wondering how the total revenue figure is so low.

    This is why I advise financial transparency. And your Dad and mine old math teachers, Mr. Whitmore and Mr. Cox may be pleased at my use of story problems in the real world. Then again, they may be rolling in their graves and just thinking “send support already”.

    I believe in you, Cassady — where you are going, what you will do, and how this will move you forward in your life and how you will move the lives of others along the way.

    Best and God Speed –

  2. Scott, thank you so much for your comment and support!

    I think your “thought experiment,” is awesome and something I also think is important. I have also considered this, but have not taken the time to look into, so thank you. I am not sure that Adventures in Missions sends out 30 squads a year? Is that something you found on their website, or just part of the story problem? haha
    Anyway, I appreciate your engagement with my post and look forward to hearing from you in the future.

    Much love,

  3. Hi Cassady… you guessed correct — 30 Squads was part of the thought experiment. I have also forwarded a thought experiment for Bruce via your Dad about the numbers 3-6-9 and how Tesla (Google him) thought they explain the mysteries of the universe. But for now, here, we will focus on your spiritual adventure and I again wish you well. Keep writing… it is a good way to tell the story of your travels (and your soul’s journey through life). – Scott

  4. Cass! I am so excited that you said yes to this, what an adventure!
    I can’t wait to watch all that is going to transpire during this time. Proud of you, friend!
    One of my close friends went on the world race a few years back if you want any past racers contacts, let me know!

  5. Sadie!! So good to hear from you! Thank you! I appreciate that. Did they go on the 11 month long one? I would love their contact info, and then I may or may not reach out. 🙂 I hope you are doing good my friend!

  6. Thanks for the letter – looking forward to the blog updates! We got a little bit of an update at Easter, but not a ton of info. Hope you get all the money. 😛

  7. It is truly remarkable how God provides the funding – a lesson that He still provides modern-day manna!