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Man, it has been a minute. I have been busy working, just living life honestly, and preparing for fundraisers etc. I write a lot, but I often have thoughts like people do not want to hear what I have to say, and then refrain from posting because of fear it will not resonate with anyone or that it does not really matter. Then I think oh I should post this one, and then I am like nah that is too vulnerable? So naturally, I just haven’t posted anything.

So hello, long time, no see. I AM DOING A TSHIRT FUNDRASIER! Here is a little background of why I picked this specific design for my TSHIRTS. The triangle shape on the front is important to me. It represents a balanced life, one of a relationship with my creator, with those who believe differently than me and those that believe similarly. There is so much goodness in being in relationship with all those types of relationships and all of which can produce good fruit. This brings me to the wheat. The wheat on the front has to do with abundance and Mark 4 in the new testament. If you haven’t read it, I would encourage you to do so, even if you have never picked up a bible before. 🙂 There are lots of things one can learn from this passage. One being, even the smallest of seeds like a mustard seed can eventually produce good fruit.

It also helps me check where my heart is at. Am I planting seeds that die and shrivel up, or that can eventually create roots and be harvested? It reminds me that what we sow is important, where we plant seeds is important, who we surround ourselves with is important. All of that which can produce good or bad fruit. The wheat thus represents abundance and fruitfulness. Then when we plant good seeds, we must have faith that the seeds we plant will one day grow and when they are ripe someone will harvest them.

The courageous faith on the back represents much of my journey up to this point. Identifying my fears and having to be bold, take action and trust the Lord throughout the process. That is a little background on my shirt design.

So, if you would like to buy one let me know by the end of the day Wednesday June 9th. They are $30 each and come in maroon and charcoal. All proceeds go toward my trip and if I sell 10 more shirts I will hit my goal. You can Venmo me, or write a check, whatever works. On a completely separate note, I do have a launch date for my trip! I leave August 6th! Wild. Time is sure flying by.

Thank you all for being here, and being patient with me. I love you all!

<3 Cass


4 responses to “TSHIRT FUNDRAISER”

  1. I love your design and can tell you put a lot of thought into it. It’s definitely meaningful! I also encourage you to go ahead and post your blogs – decide to let go of what you anticipate the response will be. Your job is to post – God will take care of making sure those who need to read it will, and those who will be impacted will see what you wrote.