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Hi there! My name is Cassady Graham and I am so glad you are here πŸ™‚

I am a 24-year old Washingtonian who loves her family. I grew up with three older brothers and two amazing parents. Here is a picture of them.

I graduated in 2019 from Eastern Washington University with a degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Not really knowing what my next steps were, I applied to be a Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT) and work for SOAR, an amazing company!! Seriously, check it out. During this time, God has been moving in my heart and revealing a lot to me. More on this in my first blog πŸ™‚

Here are a few things that I love: JESUS, my family, my incredible friends, deep convos (talking), COFFEE, hiking and the outdoors, backwards hats, stories, New Girl, JATP, fun socks, being curious, walks and laughing.

I am so excited to embark on this journey and watch God move in my heart, the world, and my squad. A few places where we will be heading are South Asia, Ecuador, South Africa, and Eswatini*. From those places we will be heading to neighboring countries to do ministry. If you are here, I would love to connect with you more, please feel free to contact me, subscribe or reach out. πŸ™‚

Much love,

Cass <3

*Subject to change if unforeseen circumstances arise.

4 responses to “About Me”

  1. This cherub of mine loves Jesus! She will do amazing things in this world for Jesus! I just love her so! You go Cassady ??. Make disciples ??

  2. Charlene, hi! SOAR is a company that provides ABA services to kids, but I am pretty sure you can be eligible for that through SSDI, I am not entirely sure though! Looking forward to getting to know you too! πŸ™‚

  3. I checked out SOAR – is that the program that increases access to SSI & SSDI? If yes, I used to be a SSI claims rep a million years ago. Looking forward to getting to know you!