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I sit here in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa in front of a Garden. Wendy, a lady here who manages the missions house we are staying in told me that some of the ashes of her kids that passed away were buried here. She planted one tree for her son and one for her daughter. She recently planted a few new flowers there too. Wendy asked me to water them.

As I sat in front of that Garden, I was reflecting on the fact that I am in Africa hearing the news of my Grandpa. Some of my favorite memories with him were the summers I stayed with him and Grandma Dot. I helped run VBS at Trinity Lutheran Church. Grandpa would tell stories about his time in Africa as a missionary. He taught me to count in Baya, an African dialect and also taught me some words in it too. These summers were also the first I learned that Grandma and Grandpa loved butter pecan icecream. An odd flavor to me at the time, but we bonded over mutual love for icecream and having a sweet tooth. πŸ˜‰

Other things I remember of Grandpa was his sense of humor, the beach cabin, how it got started and also how he made people feel. Before Kat married Erik, Grandpa would always tell me I was his favorite granddaughter in Spokane. I would say but Grandpa, “I am your only granddaughter in Spokane.” He would then act like he didn’t even realize that and hug me anyway. Man he gave good hugs. 

So as I sat in front of that Garden I heard the Lord whisper to me “Death May be buried here in this Garden, but from it comes life and you can choose to focus on the death but you can also choose to water the life.” And these memories of Grandpa I have are just that. Life. Every sermon he preached, every person he spoke with, shared a meal with, prayed for, and helped are the seeds of life he leaves behind. His children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are the literal seed of life left behind. And now that I think of it, one of the biggest seeds of life that Grandpa planted with me was that of the Lord. The reminder that Jesus died and was buried but that had to happen in order to have new life in and with Him. So I found myself sitting there, crying but thanking the Lord for Grandpa Rod and the wonderful life he lived. Thank you Lord for the legacy and the seed he leaves behind. Help us to water them. And now he gets to be and rest forever with you. πŸ™‚ 

That was a little excerpt that I got to share at my Grandpa’s funeral. Well I didn’t, but my brother Bruce got to speak on my behalf. Thank you Bruce. It is times like these where I am so grateful for the technology we have today because it allowed me to watch the whole thing live. I really wish I could have been there, but this is the next best thing. 

It is difficult to articulate what my time in Jeffreys bay has been like in just one word. It was sweet, hard, full of tears, joy and everything in between. We had slow days, and busy days. We worked in the garden, we painted desks, we talked to people, blessed our cab drivers, and painted rocks to put out in the community. I even painted one for my Grandpa and set it in the garden. πŸ™‚ 

One thing I know for sure though is that I will forever remember this place and what that little garden taught me. I sat there every morning with my coffee and had lots of chats with Jesus. He taught me a lot about faithfulness, obedience and the BOTH AND this month. I am grateful for this place for so many reasons. 

We head to Lesotho Africa tomorrow as a team and I just ask that you would pray that as a squad we would remember why we came on the race, that the whole point is Jesus, and that everything in life can be ministry. Pray that we would continue to take hold of and fight for kingdom perspective and freedom. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! Love to you all!

Until next time, 


8 responses to “My Little Garden”

  1. Beautifully said Cassady! Your Grandpa is so proud of you for this journey you are on. He loved you so very much. Now he can cheer you on from Heaven. The pastor that gave the message at the service said multiple times that there is a special place in heaven for His missionaries?? Dad and I will continue to pray for your team that you are able to love as Jesus does and share His story with multitudes. We love you to the moon and back, Mom??

  2. Cassady-What you wrote
    For Grandpa is so special. You were missed so much in these sad days but I am aooo happy the livestream worked for you and Brandon and Jennifer ELLERTSON Kraemer especially as all of you longed to be with us.
    Your faith is inspiring and I am reminded to ask Jesus every day to show me what He wants me to do…that day.
    Now I can’t see what I’m writing for tears , funny how they come in waves and I don’t know when it will hit me again.
    Grandpa is already missed very much. Wish you were near enough to talk.
    Take care in Lesotho! Prayers for you.
    Love Aunt Terry

  3. I love you a whole lot!

    This was a really sweet post, thanks for sharing it with the world πŸ™‚

  4. Thanks Momma!! I love you so much and appreciate your words of encouragement! πŸ™‚

  5. Kayla!! Thank you! πŸ™‚ So thankful for you and that you’re here in South Africa with us!

  6. Thank you Char! I am very excited for that day! πŸ™‚ Excited to be at debrief with you!

  7. Aunt Terry! Thank you, I am so so glad you enjoyed it. Oh how I wished to be there and wish to be near family. It’s crazy how when hard things happen we miss family even more and the people who are familiar to us. I am praying for you as we continue to grieve this loss. Praying you also have space to talk about it and feel the emotions. Thank you for sharing with me what you are learning, I’m glad you are asking the Lord each day what to do, so good! I love you so much Aunt Terry!! We are back in South Africa for a week and then my team heads to Eswatini! πŸ™‚

  8. Powerful story and such a gift God gave you in that garden as you grieve the loss of the Grandpa you loved so much! So thankful that he will be waiting with open arms to give you a big hug when you step fully into the kingdom as well!